Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Double Moon

Title: Double Moon

Authors: Margo Klass & Frank Soos

Publisher: Boreal Books

# of Pages: 67

Favorite Line:
What's so bad about not knowing exactly where you are? To round the corner and be taken by surprise? To look out the window and find a new world is waiting outside? With my driver's license safely in my pocket, I have permission to get out and go, to find a place where I might learn better who I am.

I received this book for free to review.

Product Description
At the heart of this collaboration is the complex interplay between two spirited minds. Each of Margo Klass's box constructions is an invitation to enter among objects in space and make of them what one might. Frank Soos has taken up that invitation. Margo's constructions and Frank's responses talk to each other, sometimes agreeably, sometimes ironically, sometimes earnestly, and sometimes flippantly. This collection stands as a representation of five years of their aesthetic sparring. Whoever picks up this book is invited to play along.

I imagine a published collaboration between my close friend Beth Rooney and her sister Kathleen Rooney would be something like this book. Beth is a fantastic photographer and Kathy is a much-lauded poet. And, well, Margo Klass is an artist and Frank Soos is a writer. It's not too odd a comparison to make. In any case, when I was offered this book and read its synopsis- a collaboration of art and prose between two people- I immediately thought of the Rooneys and accepted the offer. I'm glad I did- this was fun!

I do not have much experience with either poetry or art, so I can't really rate those aspects- hence, I will not rate the book here. But in terms of creativity and interest, it ranks pretty highly. This book gives readers the ability to get inside someone else's head. It's like going to an art museum and having access to the internal reactions of the (very articulate and erudite) guy next to you, at each and every exhibit.

That was the most fascinating part to me. My approach to this book was as follows:

1. Look closely at the photos of Margo Klass's art, trying hard not to peek at Frank Soos' words. This, I admit, was sometimes a lesson in futility. Klass really, really likes egg-shaped stones. That's all I can really say for sure. All her works are interesting and fun to examine, though. Really fun uses of common objects.

2. Form my own, however hazy, thoughts and reactions to the piece.

3. Read Frank Soos' short paragraph/poem relating to the piece.

4. Be stumped.

5. Look back at Klass's art after reading the paragraph and attempt to find what led Frank down his path, so vastly different than mine. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

I don't know if that makes sense at all, but it is pretty fun to do! Really, it opens up a huge realm of possibilities. Often, with modern art, you don't really know what you're going to get. But I never considered the huge realm of possibilities that exist for interpretation. Two people can look at the exact same thing and have completely different reactions to it. And this book highlights that- you bring your own life experiences and memories and passions to art, and those are reflected in your experience of it. It's very interactive, and Double Moon gives you the ability to do it with someone else. Read it with your friends and family, and see how you all react to the art. If you're a museum nerd like I am, I think you'll really enjoy it.

Here is a very good review of this book.


  1. Me and modern art, nope we don't see eye to eye lol

  2. This book sounds like something completely different from those I usually read. I have to admit though, it does sound very complex and interesting. I am going to have to look into getting myself a copy. Thanks for the great review!

  3. I might have to read this book in an attempt to have any kind of positive reaction to modern art. I spent half a day wandering SOMA and was just stumped that anyone would bother.


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