Thursday, October 1, 2009

Simon and Schuster launches video books product, the vook

Simon and Schuster launches video books product, the vook

What does everyone think of this? I personally hope it doesn't catch on. I want books, quite firmly, to say books. And not become, er, vooks... Oh, dear.

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  1. I just can't imagine any way that this will catch on except for maybe instructional books -- cooking, fitness, crafts -- that would benefit from a video pairing. For fiction, it's a terrible idea.

  2. Oh no no no, this is not for me. I, too, want books to stay books. I have no problem reading the stories, and don't really need video interaction with my books.

  3. I agree with you and Zibilee, this is so not for me. How can you enjoy that??? :)
    I stick with books.

  4. Me again!

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